
Ferienwohnung "Kastanienhof"

Es stehen drei Apartments zur Verfügung. Diese sind ausgestattet mit 2 - 4 Betten

  • TV
  • DU
  • WC
  • Miniküche

Bettwäsche und Handtücher werden gestellt.


Zuletzt aktualisiert am 31.08.2023 von .

You have to answer the same over and over?

Every single question and answer allows you to display a title question and a text (of course). You can also add an image and/or an enclosure next to your FAQ item. The predefined fields allow you to set an author of the item and lets you choose if you want to publish the item right away or keep it unpublished for the time being.

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 29.11.2017 von .

You want to hear the opinions of the website members?

The FAQ also enable you to manage comments. With the tick on the checkbox "Enable comments"in your FAQ category configuration you allow your visitors to leave comments on your FAQs. Different options are integrated to fit your needs regarding the workflow of submitted comments.

  • Moderate comments
  • Get notified when a comment is posted (you can notify the System administrator, the author of the FAQ or both)
  • Set the ordering and the "Comments per page", which automatically creates a pagination
  • Allow your visitors to use BBCode within the comment field

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 29.11.2017 von .